Levan Uridia
Invited LecturerLevan Uridia holds BA and MA in Mathematics from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. In 2012 he defended his doctoral thesis with title "From Belief to Knowledge" with a distinction "cum laude" under the supervision of Prof. David Pearce. In 2005-2007 Levan Uridia worked as an invited researcher at the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam.
Levan Uridia’s Main line of interests relates to mathematical logic, in particular modal logic. He has also given courses like Logic, Mathematics in everyday life, Discrete mathematics, Computability theory. He has published more than 10 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Main line of interests relates to mathematical logic, in particular modal logic.