Our Programs
MA Program in Economics
ISET strives to attract the best students from around the world and selects them on the basis of merit and the spirit of open competition.
BA Program in Economics
Latest News
ISET Faculty Members Appointed to Lead Roles in EACES
During the XVIII Biennial Conference of the European Association of Comparative Economics (EACES) in Belgrade, two senior members of ISET faculty...

ISET Policy Institute and IAMO Host International Conference on Strengthening Agri-Food Value Chains in the South Caucasus
ISET Policy Institute and Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) hosted...

Celebrating Excellence: ISET's 2024 Graduation Ceremony
On July 20, 2024, the Grand Royal Ballroom of the Tbilisi Biltmore Hotel buzzed with excitement as 142 graduates from the ISET BA and MA classes...

ISET's Master in Finance has received CFA Institute Affiliation
ISET’s Master in Finance program has received the CFA Institute affiliation, making it the only academic program in Georgia to achieve this honor.

PMCG Empowers ISET Students with Renewed Year of Need-Based Scholarships
Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), a long-time partner of ISET continues to support students of the ISET Master's Program...

ISET Signs the Memorandum of Understanding with GAIA
On March 25 International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) and the Georgian AI Association (GAIA) signed a memorandum of understanding...

ISET Welcomes Delegation from Azerbaijan State University of Economics
On February 28, 2024, ISET had the honor of hosting a delegation from the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), a valued partner of ISET in Baku...

ISET Begins Admission to its Master’s Programs!
Invest in your future success now and register for:- Master's Program in Economics:
- Master's Program in Finance:
Here's what you need to know about our degree programs:

Fundraising Consultant
Title: Fundraising Consultant. Application deadline: Noon, December 20, 2023. Specific tasks of the consultant include: Contribute to the development of a short-to-medium term fundraising plan; Identify potential new donors...
Assistant Professor of Economics/Finance
Position title: Assistant Professor of Economics/Finance. Job start date: Summer 2024. Application deadline: March 1, 2024. The International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University invites applications for the Assistant Professor position. ...
The ISET Academic Board Member Visits ISET
On November 20, ISET hosted an engaging session with Eter Kvintradze, a member of the Academic Board at ISET and the Director at CDOT, International Monetary Fund (IMF), stationed in Bangkok, Thailand.